NMCD understands that programs and services are vital to the rehabilitation of inmates. Listed below are some of the programs and services offered for NMCD offenders. For more information about the programs, please click on the individual link.
Reentry Division Programs
To view the available programs at our facilities , click on the “+” icon.
Central New Mexico Correctional Facility (CNMCF) RDC/MHTC/LTCU
Adult Basic Education
DBT Emotional Regulation Group
Dog Program
Hoping and Coping
Inmate Observer
Life Skills
Peer Support
Central New Mexico Correctional Facility (CNMCF) Level II
Adult Basic Education
Circle of Security (Parenting)
Corrections Industry
Fathers New Mexico
Inmate Observer
Malachi Dads
Parenting Inside Out
Project ECHO
Puppy Program
Upholster Shop
Guadalupe County Correctional Facility (GCCF)
4PAWS – Dog Training
Adullt Basic Education
Anger Management
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention
College: Mesalands
Crochet Class
Inside Out Dad
Intensive Outpatient Programming
Project ECHO
Welding Simulator Workshop
Northeast New Mexico Correctional Facility (NENMCF)
Penitentiary of New Mexico (PNM)
Anger Management
Bible Study
Building Resilience
Building Resumes/life skills
Father New Mexico
Goodwill reentry
Hustle 2.0 Book 1&2
IOP (Intensive outpatient program)
Nature in Prisons
Paws in the Pen
Pen Project
Project Echo
RDAP group 1
RDAP group 2
Smart money program
Roswell Correctional Center (RCC)
Adult Basic Education
CDL – Comercial Drivers Licence
Eastern NM University Roswell – College
IOP – Intensive Outpatient
Mesa Lands University – College
Prison Fellowship Academy
Project Echo
RDAP – Residential Drug Abuse Program
Uncaged Paws Dog Program
Springer Correctional Center (SCC)
Heavy Equipment Operator Program
Wheelchair Program
Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility (SNMCF)
Heavy Equipment Operator Program
Western New Mexico Correctional Facility (WNMCF) -South
CDL Simulator
Computer Bootcamp
Gamers Club
Getting Ahead While Getting Out
Men of Valor
Western New Mexico Correctional Facility (WNMCF) -North
Computer Bootcamp
Date at The Gate
Getting Ahead While Getting Out
Goodwill Life Skills
Goodwill Money Management
Goodwill Resume Building
Hannah’s Gift (Various Studies)
Project Echo
Roots for Success
The Change Companies’ Transgender
Women in Leadership
Corrections Industries
Enhances the rehabilitation, education and vocational skills of inmates through productive involvement in enterprises and public works of benefit to state agencies and local public bodies and to minimize inmate idleness.
The Education Bureau is committed to providing quality educational and vocational programs and library services that will assist the incarcerated individual to become responsible members of the family, workforce, and community upon release. This will be accomplished through teamwork, dedication, and collaboration with other departments, agencies, and the community at large.
Probation and Parole Division Programs
Community Corrections
Community Corrections outpatient programs offer close supervision and supportive treatment services for offenders who are considered as having a high set of needs that, if not met, render them at a higher risk for reoffending. Community Corrections outpatient offenders tend to have chronic needs such as mental health diagnoses, homelessness, severe medical conditions, and multiple unsuccessful attempts at substance abuse treatment, among others. Community Corrections services also include gender-specific supervision and treatment for female offenders with high needs. The duration of Community Corrections outpatient programming is six to twelve months.
Community Corrections residential programs – the Men’s and Women’s Recovery Academies – offer intensive substance abuse treatment and mental health services to parolees who need a transition from prison to community, as well as for parolees and probationers who are facing violations, as an alternative to incarceration. The Men’s Recovery Academy offers substance abuse treatment to up to eighty four male offenders, and the Women’s Recovery Academy offers substance abuse and mental health treatment to up to forty eight female offenders in two tracks: substance abuse/mental health and moms and kids seeking on-campus reunification. A halfway house for males and females is also offered at each program. Residential programs are six months in duration, and the halfway houses are designed to help offenders for a maximum of four months.
Drug Court
Drug Courts are designed to provide community-based treatment and supervision to selected offenders who are identified as having substance abuse issues. Drug courts work closely with the judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation/parole authorities and other corrections personnel, law enforcement, pre-trial service agencies, law enforcement, vocational rehabilitation, education and housing, and treatment providers.