VINE – Victim Information and Notification
Important Information about VINE
- Please be advised that victims of violent crime whose offenders are currently sentenced to the custody of the New Mexico Corrections Department must register directly with the prosecuting District Attorney’s office in order to receive written notification of New Mexico Adult Parole Board hearings and New Mexico Corrections Department inmate releases. Registration through VINE does not automatically register you to receive written victim notifications from the prosecuting District Attorney’s office.
Mobile Vine Link : To learn more about victim registration requirements, please contact your local District Attorney’s Office.
Click here link to New Mexico Administrative Office of the District Attorney(AODA).
Click here to learn more about their court notification program (NMSAVIN). - Since VINE contacts you when an inmate is released or when there is a custody status change, you may possibly receive notifications in the middle of the night. If you do not want to receive phone call notifications during late evening hours or after midnight, there are other registration options available through cell phone text messaging or registering for e-mail notifications.
- The NMCD provides notifications of the custody status changes of inmates, to include inmate releases, out-to-court status, and escape. At this time, we do not provide notifications of inmate transfers between prison facilities. For more information about types of VINE notifications available, please contact the New Mexico Corrections Department Victim Services at (877) 842-8464, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST or via e-mail at
Notice to VINE Registrants
The New Mexico VINE Service for the New Mexico Corrections Department is undergoing system upgrades. During this time, the VINE Service for the New Mexico Corrections Department is unavailable for offender searches, registrations, and notifications.
Please be advised that if you are currently registered on the VINE system for a New Mexico Corrections Department offender, release notifications will continue during the system upgrade. All other offender notifications will resume as soon as the upgrades have been completed.
If you have questions about a New Mexico Corrections Department offender, please contact (505) 827-8848 or (505) 288-2535. You may also access the New Mexico Corrections Department website to search for an offender at
Once upgrades have been completed, you will receive notice that the New Mexico VINE Service for the New Mexico Corrections Department is back online. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that this information has been helpful to you.
What is New Mexico VINE?
- VINE is a free, 24-hour, confidential, computer-based service that provides crime victim information and notification via telephone and/or computer and/or text message.
- VINE is available in English, Spanish and Navajo.
- VINE was created to provide information, notification, and peace of mind for crime victims.
- VINE is also available to anyone who seeks public information about the custody and location of an offender.
What Does VINE Do?
- VINE uses computer and telephone technology to automatically notify crime victims and interested parties about changes in an inmate’s custody status.
- VINE notifies registrants when an inmate is released, provides out-to-court information and escape notifications. For more information about types of VINE notifications, please contact the New Mexico Corrections Department Victim Services at (877) 842-8464, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST or via e-mail at
How Does VINE Provide Notification?
- You can register with VINE by telephone, text messaging and/or email address. To register, call the New Mexico VINE toll-free line at (877) 551-8463, or go to
- You may register to receive notification on multiple phone numbers, including a cell phone.
- You will need to choose a personal identification number (PIN) for telephone notification. When VINE calls the phone number(s) that you provide, you must enter your PIN to confirm that you have received the notification.
- VINE will continue calling you until you enter your PIN, or until 48 hours have passed. Please have your PIN available so you can stop the notification calls.
- If an answering machine answers, VINE will leave a message and continue calling you until you enter your PIN or until 48 hours have passed.
How Else Can I Get Information From VINE?
- You can call VINE at (877) 551-8463 and receive information through an automated information system or you can call that number then press zero to speak with a trained VINE operator.
- You can go to to get offender custody status and location information online.
Update Registration Information vs. Re-Registration
- If your phone number or e-mail address changes, you will need to update your registration information. You can update your registration information by visiting Click on “Update Registration.” Do NOT re-register with your new information.
- If you change phone numbers, please delete your former phone number from VINE.
- If an offender in a county jail is transferred to another county jail or to the New Mexico Corrections Department. You must re-register with VINE once the offender is transferred to another facility. The VINE system will guide you through the re-registration process.
- If you have any questions about updating your registration and/or re-registration, please contact VINE at (877) 551-8463 and press zero to speak with a trained operator.
Additional Information about VINE
- NM VINE will leave a message on an answering machine. You may prefer that a child or other household member not hear a NM VINE message. Please register for notification at a phone number the child or person will not answer when this is the case.
- You must update your information with NM VINE to continue receiving notifications if your e-mail or phone number changes.
- Do not depend solely on the VINE service for your protection from the offender. If you feel that you may be at risk, take precautions as if the offender has already been released. If you feel you may be at risk, contact your local law enforcement agency or your local victim service program for immediate support. For further assistance, please call the New Mexico Corrections Department Victim Services at (877) 842-8464 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST or via e-mail at
- You may access and click on the Local Victim Resources section for more information on other victim resources available in your area.
Received Notification in Error
For notifications received in error contact: (877) 551-8463 (press zero to speak to a VINE operator)
Please Contact the New Mexico Corrections Department’s Victim Services toll-free at (877) 842-8464 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST or via e-mail at
For offender information, you may contact the New Mexico Corrections Department’s Inmate Family Services:
Via Email:
Vial Phone:
Call Office: (505) 827-8710 or (505) 231-47-62
Please leave a message if we are unable to answer the call.