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Office of Security Threat Intelligence

The Office of Security Threat Management (OSTM), is comprised of staff from the Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) and the Fugitive Apprehension Team (FAT) from the  Adult Prisons (APD) and Probation and Parole Divisions (PPD) , and serves as the primary liaison to local, state and federal law enforcement. The primary mission of the OSTM is to provide timely, relevant, accurate and synchronized intelligence to tactical, operational and strategic level managers and supervisors within the NMCD. The OSTM components produce intelligence both for NMCD use and for sharing across the local and national intelligence community. In addition, the OSTM aids in providing leadership and promoting professionalism in the criminal intelligence community in order to protect public safety.

Fugitive Apprehension Team (FAT)

The NMCD Fugitive Apprehension Team is comprised of STIU staff from the Adult Prisons and Probation and Parole Divisions , and their primary responsibility is to seek, locate and apprehend parole or probation absconders, prison escapees or other offenders, and return them to custody. The FAT also coordinates and conducts interstate transportation of offenders, and works and assists outside law enforcement agencies with sharing information and resources in matters of mutual interests in order to locate and apprehend anyone that is wanted and/or eluding prosecution. The NMCD FAT works in direct conjunction with the United States Marshal’s Service in apprehending and bringing fugitives back into custody.
  • Absconder – An offender, under NMCD supervision in the community including community corrections facilities, whose whereabouts are no longer known to the supervising Probation Parole Officer (PPO) after reasonable efforts have been made to locate.
  • Escapee – Flight from confinement or lawful control of an officer even when on a status such as supervised work release or furlough. One who has escaped from a prison or detention center.
  • Fugitive – An offender who has violated the terms of his/her conditions of release into the community and/or is eluding efforts to be remanded back into custody.


  • NMCD FAT has lead multi agency warrant and absconder round-ups with great success in returning absconders and fugitives back into custody.
  • NMCD FAT staff members have been assigned to the U.S. Marshals Service’s Fugitive Task Force in order to address and locate high profile absconders and fugitives which has resulted in successful apprehensions.

Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU)

The Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) functions as an integral section of the Adult Prisons (APD) and Probation and Parole Divisions (PPD) . The STIU is responsible for the identification, monitoring, and management of prison and street gang members incarcerated in New Mexico’s prison system, and those who are on parole and/or probation status. Additionally, the STIU provides input to the Classification Bureau and Unit Management Teams in the decision-making process involving the custody and institutional assignments of prison and street gang members and those affected by the existence of such gang members whether in the community or in prison. High risk offenders who are on probation and/or parole status are identified and monitored by PPD STIU Officers. The STIU gathers intelligence to proactively prevent violence in the New Mexico Prison System and in NM Communities to prevent and deter the introduction of narcotics and dangerous contraband. The STIU serves as a liaison to nationwide corrections departments , probation parole divisions and to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. The exchange of information and intelligence are daily aspects of the STIU staff duties. The New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD) and STIU have been faced with violent feuding between various security threat groups and street gang affiliations; as a result, statewide STIU assessments have been conducted to identify gang leaders and gang members promoting the violent feuding within and outside of the prison settings. Immediate and calculated measures have been implemented through the STIU Administrator’s office in coordination with STIU staff at the facility level, to diligently identify the challenges of deterring the violence and to appropriately address housing and tracking issues and assignments to manage the newly formed gang rivalries. The measures have proven to be effective resulting in the suppression and deterrence of continued gang related violence. The STIU currently manages and monitors approximately 350 incarcerated prison gang members and 1,850 incarcerated street gang members, while approximately 4800 gang members are either on parole, probation or discharge status within our communities.


  • Coordinated numerous proactive New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD) and New Mexico Gang and Terrorism Task Force funded multi-agency gang initiatives at every public facility complex and in communities identified as high gang activity areas.

  • Provided gang intelligence and training to law enforcement agencies, county jails, judicial entities, public schools, national level gang conferences, and provided expert testimony in high profile gang cases.

  • STIU has worked with law enforcement to successfully curb gang violence, and also worked in unison in fugitive apprehension efforts.

  • We have standardized and certified all NMCD Canine teams in narcotics detection, fugitive apprehension, and canine patrols in accordance with the Master Trainer Curriculum.