Interstate Compact

The Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (Compact) is the only legal mechanism in the country for the interstate transfer of the parole or probation of an adult offender. It is the purpose of this Compact to promote public safety and protect the rights of victims through the control and regulation of the interstate movement of offenders in the community. In addition, this Compact provides for the effective tracking, supervision and rehabilitation of these offenders by the sending and receiving states. New Mexico became a member of the new Compact in April 2001, which is governed by NMSA 1978 Section 31-5-20.

The Interstate Compact Office (ICO) is responsible for administering the compact on the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) and is the central hub of communication between New Mexico and the compact states. The ICO oversees the daily operations and transfer process of probationers and parolees crossing state lines. The ICO also supervises the process for New Mexico inmates seeking an out of state transfer. Upon the inmate’s parole acceptance and release from custody; monitor the parolee’s departure, arrival, supervision progress, restitution and response to any violations. The ICO issues a “Warrant for Parole Violator” on New Mexico parolees who abscond from supervision, who are arrested out of state on new criminal charges or New Mexico parolees transferred out of state via the compact who have violated the conditions of parole. The ICO issues detainers on New Mexico parolees arrested out of state on new criminal charges and monitor case for extradition.

If a probationer or parolee is seeking an out of state relocation, please contact your Probation/Parole Officer to initiate the transfer process. For additional information regarding the interstate compact, please visit the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision national website.

Jahmaal Gregory

Jahmaal Gregory

Commissioner /Administrator Interstate Compact

Lyle Wieman

Martha Aragon

Deputy Compact Administrator